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À tous les membres de la firme de courtage "Pauline Hiotis" et spécialement à Pauline et à Darrell.

Ma conjointe et moi vous adressons nos sincères remerciements pour la qualité des services que vous nous avez offerts lors de la vente récente de notre propriété. Ce qui s'annonçait pour nous devoir être une pénible épreuve s'est en fait déroulé beaucoup plus harmonieusement que nous l'avions anticipé. Grâce à votre compétence, à votre excellente maîtrise des dossiers, de même que de votre remarquable bienveillance et de votre attitude rassurante, le processus de la vente
a eu lieu dans un parfait climat de sérénité et de détente en plus d'avoir été effectué à la satisfaction de toutes les parties en cause.

Françoise et Yves Mongeau

Françoise et Yves Mongeau

Like Tina Turner once sang …. YOUR SIMPLY THE BEST ! Honestly, speaking of our experience in the sale of our townhouse, in Bois Franc , Ville St. Laurent ,… Pauline and her husband, Darrell were so kind, fair , transparent, available, honest, experienced , and well connected . They are an unselfish, humble and generous couple who definitely know what they are doing and truly make the experience worth it. Don’t bother looking elsewhere. They even pay for the Tranquilli - T service ,which is offered ,if required ,to their clients which is not a given by all real estate agents…. very thoughtful. Our home was sold in 11 days. We made the right choice and hope you do too!

Kim Cattaneo

Pauline and Eleni, it was a pleasure working with you. Your in-depth market knowledge, professionalism, and attentiveness made the entire process seamless. Thanks for a smooth and successful sale. All the best.

Connie P.

Pauline was an excellent partner in selling our condo. She was knowledgeable about the market and helped us navigate the sale process with confidence. Her experience was invaluable and we highly recommend working with her if you want to sell real estate, particularly in Bois Franc. There is no one better than Pauline and her team!

Serge Maltais

Nous sommes infiniment reconnaissants envers Pauline et Darrell de nous avoir guidés dans le processus de vente de notre maison! Toutes les étapes ont été franchies avec un grand respect et beaucoup d’empathie. Nos questions et craintes ont été gérées en toute confiance et le tout s’est déroulé harmonieusement et dans un climat des plus chaleureux et amical ! Merci à toute l’équipe de Pauline Hiotis ! Lise et Luc

Lise et Luc

Petit message pour vous remercier pour l’excellent service que vous m’avez offert. Je suis bien content que l’on ait réussi à vendre le condo et je vous souhaite une bonne continuation.

Dany Breault

We highly recommend Pauline Hiotis as a realtor. She and Darrell are very professional and caring people. We have used them twice over the past four years. They are very reliable and dedicated realtors. We used them to sell our townhouse, as well as purchase a condo and ultimately sell the condo. They are very honest and caring individuals. They know the market and know the Bois Franc area very well.We consider them as friends.

Sheldon and Freda Cohen

Dear Pauline and Darrell,

Thank you both so much for such an incredible collaboration. With your hard work and guidance, we were able to sell our house within five days of listing it. Amazing!!


Dear Pauline and Darrell,

Many thanks for the wonderful experience.

Great team, very honest, professional and effective.

Thank you !


Bonsoir Pauline et Darell

Nous voulions vous remercier pour cette transaction qui s'est effectuée dans la plus grande sérénité.
Le processus de vente a été fluide du début à la fin, grâce à votre professionnalisme.
Nous sommes très heureux d'avoir fait affaire avec vous et espérons collaborer avec vous lors de futures transactions ou tout simplement en vous recommandant.


Alain et Stéphanie

We know that we certainly made the right choice picking Pauline and Darrell to sell our home. From going on the market, to accepting an offer above asking in 48 hours, they were professional


It was the beginning of COVID and I was full of uncertainty as to how to manage the marketing and pricing of my condo. Pauline and Darrell put me at ease and leveraged their expertise to navigate the market while also penetrating their vast network to close the sale in just a month and a half. I put my trust in them and they delivered in spades. I can't recommended them highly enough. Thank you both!

Andrew Partheniou

我非常感谢 Pauline 和 Darrell 在出售房屋的帮助,他们的认真,负责,专业和诚信的精神, 他们的实用性 (availability) 以及使双方满意(卖方和买方)! Pauline 和 Darrell 是一支了不起的团队! 此外,他们对 Bois-Franc 地区及其市场非常了解。 他们做得很好, 非常好!
Pauline, Darrell 你们最棒!谢谢!

M. Tan

Nous avons utilisé les services de l'équipe de Pauline Hiotis à deux reprises. Dans les deux cas, nous avons été plus que satisfait des services rendus. La crédibilité, l'expérience et la bienveillance des membres de l'équipe ont tout-de-suite su nous mettre en confiance. Nous avons particulièrement apprécié la richesse du réseau, la rigueur, l'honnêteté et l'amabilité de cette équipe. Nous recommandons chaudement les services de Pauline Hiotis parce qu'elle a fait ses preuves et donne toujours l'heure juste... et surtout... d'excellents résultats !

Mylène Grégoire

Mylène et Alain

Comment résumer notre expérience avec Pauline? Efficacité et professionnalisme!
Elle est une négociatrice chevronnée et connaît parfaitement les rouages du courtage immobilier. Ses qualités professionnelles et personnelles font d'elle LA personne qu'il vous faut, que ce soit pour vendre ou acheter une propriété. Bref, que d'éloges! Pauline, nous te remercions 1000 fois.

Marie et Franà§ois

Pauline et Darrel nous ont offert un service exceptionnel autant pour la vente de notre maison qu'avec l'achat de la nouvelle maison dans Bois Franc. Ils connaissent très bien le quartier et son marché. Ils forment une équipe dynamique et hautement professionnelle. Ils ont su nous faire sentir en confiance du début à  la fin. Pauline est chaleureuse et humaine mais détrompez-vous, c'est une femme d'affaire efficace! Nous recommandons fortement l'équipe Hiotis.

Merci à  vous deux!

Genevieve Cote

Pauline et Darrel forment un duo extraordinaire avec qui, une transaction immobilière apparaît toute simple. Courtois, efficace et diligent dans les suivis, ils vous prennent en charge et assure que votre transaction soit un succès !

Merci à  vous 2 !

Benoît Marsan

Professional, thorough, efficient and most important, completely trustworthy and a pleasure to deal with.

If you want to sell your property fast and at the best price, look nowhere else.

Thank you Pauline and Darrell!

Marcello Naccarato

Travailler avec Pauline, c'est s'entourer d'une équipe proactive et efficace. Merci à  chacun d'entre vous pour votre expertise tout au long du processus.

Myriam et Marc-Olivier

Nous avons eu le plaisir de confier la vente de notre condo à  Pauline et à  Darrell qui font une équipe extraordinaire. Tout a été très rapide et efficace et notre condo a été vendu en 7 jours.Ils connaissent très bien le marché et ils nous ont donné de précieux conseils ce qui a été très rassurant pour nous.
Nous les remercions pour leur professionnalisme, leur grande disponibilité et leur amabilité.
Nous recommandons fortement les services du Pauline et Darrell qui sont des vrais passionnés de l'immobilier.
Livia et Dan

Livia et Dan

From the moment we met Pauline and Darrell we knew that we were in good hands. Their level of professionalism and their knowledge of the market that was displayed left us confident that we would sell quickly. On top of all that, they care about their customers - which was very important to us. Pauline and Darrell not only sold our condo (which was beautifully staged), but helped us find our amazing new home. They understood exactly what we were looking for and quickly found options that fit our requirements. You will not go wrong with this team - they are polished professionals with passion!


Dealing with Pauline was a pleasant and stress free experience. She is a real business person: professional, knowledgeable, trustworthy and always on time. I believe that what sets her further apart is her ability to surround herself well, like having a professional home stager making sure houses look their best as well as an excellent photographer. This translate into faster sale, higher price... and happy clients. She exceeded my expectation. Merci beaucoup Pauline, excellent service que je recommande à  tous.

Denis F.

Pauline a vendu ma maison deux mois. Non seulement c'est une femme d'affaires efficace et aguerrie qui connait bien son marché, elle est aussi à  l'écoute de ses clients et assure la pleine satisfaction de ceux-ci. Elle est une femme calme, centrée sur son travail, donne un service impeccable et ce, en restant humaine et chaleureuse. Je la recommande fortement à  tous ceux qui désirent vendre de faà§on efficace, harmonieuse et à  la hauteur de leurs attentes!!! PAULINE, YOU ARE EXCELLENT!!! Thank you so much for your help, Business advises and kindness.


I had a very good experience working with Pauline and her entire team, for the staging and the sale of my condo. Because I had already left Montreal, for me it was important to know that I can trust her to represent well my interests. I got 99% of the asking price - which probably means that we positioned the price right from the beginning. All the communication was handled professionally, I did not have to haggle or deal with absurdly low offers. Thanks to everyone in this team!

Catalina Puscasu

We had the pleasure of using Pauline and Darrell to sell our house.
From our first visit with them we knew they would get the job done.
They were extremely professional and courteous and had our confidence to leave everything in their hands.
The house was beautifully staged and soon after Pauline sold our house! She offers an excellent service and her team delivers the whole package to get the job done right!
Thanks again Pauline your hard work was very much appreciated!

Stephane and Stephanie

I certainly want to thank you so very much for powerfully making the sale of our home an enjoyable experience. You slowly and pleasantly walked us through the process of properly preparing our home for sale. It paid off evidently.
When my wife, children and I arrived home tonight, we were obviously thrilled to clearly see the "VENDU" sign. Please feel free to leave your sign on our front lawn as long as you wish.
Also, please kindly forward this email to Samuel who made moving our items into storage come off easily.
You all provided us with the utmost in professionalism and I will proudly recommend all of your services to family and friends. You have powerfully demonstrated that you are an All-Star team!

Mark and Lori Shalhoub

Pauline et Darrell forment une équipe extraordinaire. Nous tenons à  les remercier vivement pour leur professionnalisme et leur disponibilité. Leur parfaite connaissance du marché immobilier de Bois-Franc est un atout majeur, qui explique l'efficacité avec laquelle ils traitent et finalisent les dossiers.
Pauline, Darrell, au-delà  de l'aspect professionnel, nous avons eu grand plaisir à  travailler avec vous sur la vente de notre maison. Votre bonne humeur et vos conseils judicieux ont rendu ce processus beaucoup moins stressant que nous l'avions imaginé. Encore merci de votre aide.
Meilleurs voeux de santé, bonheur et de réussite dans vos transactions 2016.

Anne et Guillaume Giraudet

Cher Pauline et Darrell, Marie-Claude est passé hier et elle a rendu mon condo encore plus accueillant ... ! la disposition des meubles est vraiment plus harmonieuse , et de tout coeur, elle y a mis ses plus beaux éléments décoratifs... c'est son Art ! ... Vous aurez l'occasion de le constater bientôt j'espère. Je suis très satisfaite, et je la remercie chaleureusement ainsi que vous deux. Bien vôtre, Lise Gagnon.

Gagnon Lise

Pauline and Darrell is an amazaing team who could gives you confidence to put your property on the Market, they help you from A to Z without worry about anything. I got offer of my appartment only in 2 days and they made it happen and with satisfication on both side, I really appreciate from the bottom of my heart. Pauline 你最棒!专业诚信, 认真负责, 很幸运能和你合作!

Mei Han

From the moment Pauline and Darrell walked through my home, I instinctively knew I had found a winning team. Bright, polished and professional can be found anywhere but these two also have compassion for their client's needs and passion for their profession. They treated me as a member of their family and were always there to reassure and offer guidance to the best of their knowledge. I never once doubted their advice and I was never led astray. My home sold in 90 days for an amazing price! They also helped me to find my dream home...now that is not only service...that is sheer dedication for their work and to their clients. You will never go wrong by choosing Pauline and Darrell...a winning team!!

Doriana Bisegna

Je tenais absolument à  remercier Pauline pour son professionnalisme et sa grande disponibilité. Un engagement dévoué pour concilier les parties Toujours à  l'écoute, elle a su me conseiller pour mener deux transactions immobilières en moins de 30 jours, la vente de ma PROPRIETE et l'achat d'une autre PROPRIETE toutes deux situées dans Boisfranc. Un grand MERCI.
Meilleurs Voeux Pauline et Darrell!!!!!

Franck Faboumy

Notre maison était à  vendre depuis plus d'un an quand nous avions confié le mandat à  Pauline. Elle a vendu notre maison en moins de 2 mois! Pauline et Darrell, sont toujours disponibles, efficaces et professionnels.
Si vous cherchez ou vous désirez vendre votre propriété, Pauline et son à€°quipe seront combler toutes vos demandes!
Great job Pauline


Merci pour la vente de mon condo!
Je savais pertinemment que j'étais entre bonnes mains en vous confiant ce mandat.
Votre professionnalisme dans le domaine immobilier ne fait aucun doute. Vous vous démarquez avec classe dans la négociation .
A tous ceux qui veulent vendre ou acheter une propriété je vous conseille de réclamer les services de Mme Hiotis. Vous ne serez pas déà§us .
Merci pour votre excellent travail!
M. Simard

M. Simard

En raison d'un déménagement à  l'étranger, nous avons dà» vendre notre maison assez rapidement, et ce hors saison. Pauline et Darrell ont fait un excellent travail pour bien comprendre nos besoins et suggérer de bonnes stratégies. Grâce à  leur expertise, nous avons réussi à  vendre dans d'excellents délais. Nous recommanderions Pauline en tout temps, pour son savoir-faire, sa disponibilité et sa gentillesse.

Il est clair que si nous sommes de retour à  Montréal, Pauline sera notre agente!

Lennika et Stephane

Nous n'avons que de bons mots à  dire au sujet de la vente de notre maison avec Pauline et Darrell. Tout a été très vite (rencontre pour le home staging, photos, visites, offre...). Nous nous sommes sentis en confiance, avec de vrais professionnels. Puisqu'ils connaissent bien le marché, nous avons vendu à  un bon prix et selon les délais qui nous convenaient.

Pauline et Darrell étaient toujours disponibles pour répondre à  nos questions et surtout, très respectueux. Ils forment une excellente équipe que nous n'hésitons pas à  recommander à  tous ceux qui souhaitent vendre rapidement!


Valérie Boucher

Mme Hiotis, je voulais vous remercier pour votre excellent travail lors de la vente de notre maison de St-Laurent!La maison s'est vendue en 3 jours!
De notre première rencontre jusqu'à  la signature du contrat de vente, nous nous sommes sentis épaulés et bien conseillés. Vous avez été toujours très disponible et vous avez collaboré entièrement avec nous.
Bref, vous avez été d'un grand professionnaliste. C'est pour toutes ces raisons que, pour nous, vous àªtes une championne! Merci.

LeBel Pelletier, Christiane

What a ride ! There are ups and downs, it is not easy to sell your home but Pauline and Darrell are there to help you until the end - they are there to give your home the best chance to sell.

Pauline and Darrell are not there to only sell , they try to find a family who will fall in love with your home.

They are there to make both seller and buyer happy!

Pauline and Darrell are always available!
We had a great surprise on Christmas day with a knock on our door from our agents who announced our house was sold! Bottle of wine in hand they surprised us and our family and friends with this announcement! That is availability and service to the core!

Thank so much Pauline and Darrell we wish you health and all the best!

We recommend them to anyone who needs to find a home or wants to sell!!!

Thank you
from Terzian family

Vahe and izabela

Real estate transactions involved a great deal of stress and technicalities. Pauline and her team helped us alleviating them and making out a more pleasing experience when it comes to buying or selling your property and that, due to her ability to anticipate her client's needs and focus. Be it a late phone call or a matching door knob, nothing is left out in limbo by Pauline and her team...Un grand merci à  votre équipe et vous-màªmes, Pauline !

La famille Vo-Nguyen

After an unsuccessful run with other agents, I met Pauline. She was confident in my property and got her home stager in immediately (right during our interview meeting!) to give her thoughts on staging my empty condo. Everything was so organized and efficient that I signed right away. And Pauline and her team did not disappoint. Getting offers is one thing but after my first unsuccessful run with other agents, I really believe that a good agent has the ability to fight for your property to get you reasonable offers. A really good agent is able to negotiate the deal to actually close the sale. But a great agent is able to do all this and still be a nice person that people are happy to deal with (clients, buyers, and the other realtors). Pauline is a great agent. Her and her team will go the extra mile to close that deal to your satisfaction. If you are looking for an agent, I can honestly recommend her. You won't be disappointed.


Wendy Ng

Our house sold in a very competitive area for 99% of the asking value... before it was even listed! Pauline is an amazing agent that has a vast network, from potential clients to staging designers. From day 1, she will guide you through out the process and answer any questions you might have. Chances are after you sell your house (and you will), Pauline will not only be your agent, but also your friend.




We loved been taking care off by Pauline, she has been so professionnal and lovely to work with. I will refer Pauline always. From the moment I met her I knew she was going to be the right broker for us.

Stéphane & Helen

We have been really thankful for Pauline's help, by her sincere consideration and knowledge, we could buy a nice house in such short time, here we do strongly recommend Pauline and her team!

Jack Zhang


A Chinese-Canadian

Each time we can quickly make deal at a price we were very happy. We had made a 100% right decision to let her help us. Her extensive real estate experience especially in Bois Franc plus her 100% client satisfactory service throughout whole process make her the major agent in the area.

Lin Tian

et ce grâce à  l'expérience, l'efficacité et les bon conseils de Pauline Hiotis. Très professionnelle et d'une gentillesse exceptionnelle! Les problèmes n'existent pas avec elle, il n'y a que des solutions!
Je n'ai que deux mots à  dire: Merci Pauline!

Anne-Sophie Olivier

Le tout a été complété en moins de 30 jours et j'ai obtenu 98% du prix demandé ! Pauline est très professionnelle, efficace et respectueuse. Elle offre également un ensemble de services des plus impressionnant afin de présenter le meilleur produit sur le marché. Je recommande fortement ses services qui se démarquent au sein de l'industrie. Merci encore une fois Pauline pour un travail bien fait !

Franà§ois Drolet

thank you for all of your help and support. We were thrilled that you were able to get us almost 97% of our asking price. We truly hope we have the opportunity to work together in the future on our next home!

Michael Gold

pays attention to details and provides incredibly attentive service. My husband and I enjoyed working with her every step of the way and are incredibly appreciative that she wants what is best for us. We would never hesitate to refer our friends and colleagues to Pauline!

Virginia Chow

Pauline est une excellente agente, très efficace et professionnelle. Elle est toujours disponible pour ses clients et elle est une femme d'affaires aguerrie. Le home staging était magnifique! Je la recommande fortement si vous voulez que votre propriété soit vendue rapidement et en toute tranquillité! Nous n'hésiterons pas à  retenir ses services à  nouveau. Merci beaucoup!

Jacinthe Kirouac-Letendre

Her professionalism, thoroughness and attention to detail are unbeatable. She provides very professional staging services. She also gives professional guidance to help me in terms of pricing, which is fair to both the seller and the buyer. Most important thing to us is that she sold our house within 60 days. Pauline is the best that we have encountered in any kind of service. Thank you, Pauline. A Chinese-Canadian

A Chinese-Canadian

I have owned and sold a number of properties but have never dealt with such a professional, cordial, and driven lady as Pauline. She builds a great rappport with her clients, is direct on solid advise, and will take care of business in a short time. My wife and I truly enjoyed working with her, and if we have the opportunity to work with her again, I would not even think of anybody else. We had a challenge with an unqualified buyer, but Pauline quickly lined up other business and we sold within 60 days when it was a very competitive area

Ricardo P. and Stephani W.

Their professionalism, knowledge, and extensive network gave me full confidence in their strategies and efforts. They sold my house in just 2 weeks; in fact during the first week, I already had an offer! They were with me every step of the way and the entire transaction was efficient, trouble-free, and well orchestrated. What a team they make! No one could have done it better. I strongly recommend them. sharon q

Sharon Q

We chose to go with Pauline because we believed her to be an expert in the Bois Franc area, and so she was!!! From beginning to end, our experience was stress free and as enjoyable as it could be! Pauline knows her stuff, and gets the job done! Thank you so much Pauline for everything, it was greatly appreciated.

Sylvie Lamouline

Pauline sold my condo in 2 weeks at 97% of asking price! Very knowledgable, professional and trustworthy. I knew immediately I was in good hands and she proved me right. She ensures there's activity going on with your property and maximizes visibility. Most importantly, she will not undervalue or undersell your property!

C. M.

Her high quality work ethics and reliable knowledge of the St-Laurent and Bois-Franc areas allowed our property to be sold within 2 weeks. We highly recommend Pauline for your real estate project in those neighborhoods. Many thanks Pauline.


Our house was sold in the Chomedey area in 14 days and she was there every step of the way guiding us to make the best decisions. Her first priority was to sell our property and it showed in everything she did for us. Thank you Pauline for your exceptional service.


Thank you for making the process a pleasurable one! Always smiling and always on the go! Thank you!

Caroline Modugno

It was an absolute pleasure to have a responsible and respectful agent like you. Your warm smile and professional work together was much appreciated.

Anahita A.

Elle l'à  vendu en moins d'une semaine!! Je l'ai trouvé très professionelle et attentive aux détails: elle fait appel aux services d'une home stager et son photographe est excellent! Aussi, elle a su obtenir un prix de vente juste, très près du prix demandé qu'elle m'avait recommendé.

Merci Pauline!

Geneviève L

Your professionalism and expertise in the industry are quite noteworthy! From beginning to end your service was exceptional.

Peggy K.

Pauline connaît très bien Bois-Franc et ses résidents. Ses conseils, sa disponibilité et son engagement nous ont permis d'àªtre en confiance avec elle. La vente s'est bien déroulée. Merci Pauline pour nous avoir aidé dans la vente de notre propriété !

C Côté

She truly make it happend by going the extra mile! I would totally recommend her to anyone.
Thank you very much!

Jonathan and Judith Westres

une personne sur laquelle j'ai pu compter en tout temps. Elle est fiable, extràªmement honnàªte, dévoué et courtoise. J'ai eu confiance en elle dès le début et c'est pour cela que je l'ai choisi lors de l'achat de mon premier condo et par la suite la vente du màªme condo. Je n'ai màªme pas réfléchi à  choisir quelqu'un d'autre car je savais que j'aillais àªtre plus que satisfaite. Son attention aux détails et sa volonté a vouloir aider font d'elle une personne de premier choix.
Je recommende Pauline sans hésitation.

Natasha S.

from the first time we met, she made us feel reassured and developped a relationship based on trust and respect!! She was straight forward in providing us with information and valuable advice that proved to be vital in the sale of our home. Always available when we needed her, she knew and took all the right decisions. Pauline is not only extremely professonal, she is a warm and patient person. She was dedicated, her perserverance and confidence resulted in the success of selling our house at the price we wanted!! Thank you so much, Pauline!

Antonia Lo Giudice

Ce fà»t un plaisir pour nous de travailler avec vous. Votre professionalisme et bon jugement pour l'évaluation de notre maison nous ont mis en confiance dès notre première rencontre.
Nous avons apprécié également votre aide et conseils à  bien préparer notre maison pour les visiteurs.
Vous étiez en contact avec nous régulièrement, toujours très polie et à  l'heure.
La vente de notre maison en quelques semaines restera un bon souvenir.
Si l'occasion se représente, vous serez, sans aucun doute, notre agent.
Louise et Jim Tjelios

Louise et Jim Tjelios

on buying our lovely townhouse at Bois-Franc in 3 days and selling our condo in Saint-Laurent quickly. I have to say they are very professional and efficient!
Very pleased to work with you!


and she is great in selling homes very fast. We were first time home sellers in 2010 and did not know how good she was until she sold my home in 40 days!! We strongly recommend her services who wants a quick sale. Taking her advise was the wisest decision one could make. She knows and tells you the truth about what's there and this saves everybody a lot of time and helped me wake up and see that through. Thank you Pauline for a job very well done and help me make my dream come true!!

Fizah Ahmed

et elle est généreuse de son temps. Nous avons rencontré plusieurs agents immobiliers avant de poser notre choix madame Hiotis et aucun n'avait écouté nos besoins et nos idées quant à  la vente de notre demeure.
Pauline a cru en notre maison et a su la mettre en valeur comme si c'eut été une véritable modèle de démonstration. Grâce au cachet de notre demeure, les bons conseils de notre agent et de l'aide d'un petit peu de HOME STAGING, nous avons a pu obtenir un juste prix.
Merci Pauline!

Hélène Lashmar

Her professionalism, thoroughness and attention to detail are attributes, which drew me to her. She has listened to what is important to me and steered me in the right direction. Pauline's expertise, timing and approach allowed this process of selling and buying to go smoothly in spite of the normal trepidations one experiences on both the seller's and buyer's part. Pauline always calms the waters! Most importantly, we sold one dream home and purchased a new one that met our dreams! Who could ask for more. Thank you, Pauline.

Wendy Higden

En tout temps, elle a su apaiser nos inquiétudes, répondre à  nos questions et nous faire part de sa riche expertise. Pour la tranquilité d'esprit, il n'y a qu'un agent à  contacter pour vendre ou acheter dans Bois-Franc, c'est Pauline Hiotis. Je la recommande sans hésiter! Merci Pauline. Frédéric et Stéphanie

Stéphanie St-Louis

Pauline is responsible and very dedicated to her work. Has many good recommendations which enhance a successful sale. I strongly recommend her services. It was a real pleasure to have you as my agent Pauline, you are exceptional. Many thanks once again.

Suzanne Gervais

Ca été un plaisir et un succès de travailler avec elle pour la vente de notre condo a Bois franc !

Danuta Barbat

After our first meeting, Pauline clearly understood what we were looking for. Pauline explained each step of the process, and as a first time home buyer, the information was invaluable! Pauline always gave us her honest opinion, answered all our questions, and didn't stop searching until we found the right property. She helped make what is often a very stressful process, very enjoyable. Pauline always made us feel that we were her number one priority and in a very short time, helped us find the perfect home. In the end, we don't just feel like we've found an outstanding realtor, but also a wonderful friend.
We've confidently referred our friends and family to Pauline, and she has managed to deliver the same great experience to all!


Une professionnelle à  tous les points de vue. Elle est dédiée, disponible, à  l'écoute des besoins et a une connaissance exceptionnelle de Bois-Franc. Merci!

Bubolic Suzy

I was the liquidator of an estate so I needed compassion as well as vast experience and professionalism. Pauline is very astute and paid attention to every detail. She delivered effortlessly to put full closure to this aspect of the estate. Her efficiency and experience was what I needed. Pauline delivered! I will most certainly use her services again.

Gary Jackson

She expertly guided us through each step in the sale of our first home, from determining an asking price, receiving an offer in the first three weeks, to the final negotiations and closing. She is well-liked and respected in the industry, and we have recommended her to many friends and neighbours without hesitation. Thank you Pauline!

The Secondis

She sold our condo within 2 days. She gave us a lot of recommendation. She is a reliable and responsible person. She tries her best to serve us better. She replied our emails or calls within 24 hours. She gave us a lot of legal advice. I will find her next time to sell and buy the house. I will also recommend my friends to find her if they need. She is great and she is the best!

Joanne Lee

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